Short Sizzle Interviews and Presentations

Todos Somos Voleibol -TSV Central American Ruth N. Nelson
This seminar was presented in English but translated into Arabic, as it was presented to the Middle East and many countries that speak Arabic. Our host of this seminar was Dr. Shihab al-Din Ahmed at Riyami along with Dr. Terry Liskeyvich, Karch Kiraly, John Dunning, and Russ Rose
Todos Somos Voleibol -TSV Central American Ruth N. Nelson
Todos Somos Voleibol – TSV is a Spanish Friday Night Show that airs to over 17 Central American countries with the target being volleyball coaches for all levels. This event was the 3rd appearance by Nelson and Emma and her mom Cathy. They are part of the BYOP® program located in North Dallas, Texas.

Art of Coaching - USA
Interviews Nelson
Art of Coaching, Terry Liskeyvich, interview with Ruth N. Nelson on her newest online virtual course Home Training Program Series™. Ruth’s virtual course is being utilized by hundreds of families and coaches that wanted an organized program for players to train at home and on the court. The Home Training Program Series™ includes charts, video, and questions in developing the Performance Elements of Performance and Fundamental Volleyball Skills for ages 7 and under and 8 and up.
VTS PLUS Marathon - Belgium Ruth N. Nelson
VTS PLUS Marathon is organized by Sport Vlaanderen – Belgium, and Kristof De Loose founder of Volley2Volley This was the first time BYOP® and GoKids as well as RNN Sports Gym™ was introduced to these teachers and coaches.
Great event for them to see not only video of training but also live action with Emma, a 9-year old and her mom who are part of the BYOP® – Lovejoy Program.

Volleyball Academy - Poland Ruth N. Nelson
First International Online MiniVolley Congress was a 6-hour coaching event featuring experts from 5 countries. USA, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Italy.
Nelson enjoyed sharing her topic of “Training Youth for the Future Utilizing an Innovative Kidz-Centered Approach,” and along with Kristof De Loose,-Start2Volley Piotr Wierzbicki, Stefano Bardini and Remko Kentor-Action Volley.

CEV - School Project -Europe Ruth N. Nelson
CEV -School Project provides teacher and youth coaches opportunities to hear from experts in the field of training kidz 10 and under.
Nelson discussed her top methodologies on training kidz to become well-rounded athletes. She showed many examples of how to train kids in the gym, on grass, and at home with the webinar including even a live demonstration with participation of a BYOP® family.

NCSA Interviews - International
Ruth N. Nelson
Sue Webber take time to interview innovator, visionary, influencer and Founder of BYOP® , GoKids Youth Sports™ and her recent development RNN Sports Gym™ which is a virtual classroom for education and training for PE teachers, elementary school teachers, parents, kids and youth coaches.
Take a Listen as you will be very excited to watch 8 -year Emma and her mother demonstrate as part of this event.

National All Sports - USA Coaches Summit - Nelson
Championship Productions and Coaches Insider conduct the first National All Sports Coaches Summit which include all sports. Nelson presents her session: Picture, Analyze and Teaching Fundamental Volleyball Skills to high school and middle school coaches.
At the end of the session Nelson provides a live demonstration of a 8-year old talking about skill analysis utilizing hudl and also how players can benefit from online courses in volleyball while being at home.

AVCA Super Clinic
High School - USA Nelson
AVCA joins forces with National Federation High School Association to provide the first Super Clinic that exposes high school, junior high and elementary school teachers an opportunity to learn from experts from all levels.