Individual / Group of Families or Private / GroupTraining
GKYS™ In-Person / Online Training Individual or Group
Want to train privately or with a group of your friends?

Nelson trains all ages of volleyball players and has specialized in ages 10 and under since 2000. In 2018, Nelson created GoKids Youth Sports™ so she was able to transition kids from BYOP® to GoKids.
Go Kids Youth Sports™ was created as a certification program to train teachers, parents, and coaches who have the desire to learn the skills and progressions for training this age group without parents directly engaged.
HTPS™ In-Person / Online Training Individual or Group
FUN program whether you are in season or out of season..

HTPS™ online course was created by Nelson and is hosted by Art of Coaching (educational partner since 2013). Program designed for two levels Ages 7 and under (Level 1) and Ages 8 and up (Level 2) that allows playes to work on exercises, movement skills and basic fundamental of volleyball to move to the next level when ready.

BYOP® In-Person / Online Training Individual Family / Group
BYOP® is one of the greatest programs ever and can be done online or in-person.
Nelson trains all ages of volleyball players and has specialized in ages 10 and under since 2000 when she developed the Bring Your Own Parent® program.
The training program is designed for any player, no matter what skill or ability level, as long as their goal is to become the best they can be! Parents must be fully dedicated to be actively involved in this program. BYOP® will provide excellent volleyball fundamental skills training as well as life lessons for both player and parent.
This program has been an in-person program since 2009 and has moved to online since March 9, 2020 during COVID restrictions. This program is online ONLY until the schools OPEN for outside group training.
NART™ In-Person / Online Training Individual or Group
If you have not tried NART™ now is the time!

Nelson Aquatic Resistance Training™ was created by Nelson in early 70’s and is backed by research showing how all players (no matter what age) should be training with NART™. NART™ will help you avoid injuries, improve your explosive power and is also used for recovery from injuries.
The program began in 1973 during the pre-season, regular season and extended through the off-season. The water resistance program was designed to progressively overload the same physical movements on land but performed in the water. In addition, the attempt was made to maintain the majority of exercises performed underwater to prevent muscle soreness.
Private Player Training and Private Coaches Training
1-on-1 In-Person / Online Training Individual
Ever dreamed of being trained by an EXPERT?
Ruth can analyze and assist you in developing your skills whether you are on the court with her on ZOOM or she is on ZOOM viewing your recorded video. RNN Training is available virtually via ZOOM and is available whether you are on the court or in-person once COVID restriction are lifted and safe for both Nelson and students.

Coaches Training Online & In-Person Consulting
Zoom training with Nelson is one of the easiest and quickest ways to feel better prepared.
Nelson assists and mentors many college coaches from D1 -D3, NAIA, Junor Colleges and junior club directors by focusing on how to enhance their program and assist players on developing on their strengths for ultimate performance and success.

Certifications Programs
HTPS™ Certification Online Courses
Ever wanted to become a certified trainer with the tools already done for you online!

HTPS™ allows a trainer to better understand the methodology and the progressions for assisting those families and kidz during their training at HOME.
HTPS™ Trainers may receive their online certification effective 2021. HTPS™ Trainer requires completing two online courses, completing an online application and submitting fees as well as demonstrating teaching skills online.
BYOP® Certification In-Person
Ever wanted to become a certified instructor and have your own local program for parents and kids ages 10 and under?

Ever certified BYOP® Instructor receives instruction directly from Founder, Ruth N. Nelson during the certification course.
BYOP® certification is an in-person course on the court and in the classroom (18-20 hours). This program has five steps to completing certification for local, state or national instructor and/or trainer.
GKYS™ Certification Online and In-Person Certification
Eve wanted to become certified or provisional skills trainer and work directly with ages 12 and under?

GKYS™ Skills Trainers may receive their online certification effective 2021. A GKYS™ Skills Trainer is required to complete two online courses, complete an online application, and submit fees as well as demonstrate teaching skills online.
Go Kids Youth Sports™ was created as a certification program to train teachers, parents and coaches who have the desire to learn the skills and progressions for training this age group without parents directly engaged.
NART™ Certification Online and In-Person Certification
Ever wanted to become a Certified NART™ Instructor who will assist players and coaches in aquatic resistance training.

NART™ Instructor may receive their online certification effective 2021. NART™ is an online Instructor Certification Program consisting of practical and online training while Instructor has access to a pool and Nelson training VIA ZOOM.